Paul Medici

Paul Medici

Founder and CEO

Paul has over a decade of experience building bespoke financial models and bespoke data automation tools for corporate clients across the US, Canada, and Europe.


Paul Medici

Founder and CEO

As Founder and CEO of Medici Financial Modeling, Paul has over a decade of experience building bespoke financial models and bespoke data automation tools for corporate clients across the US, Canada, and Europe. This includes mandates across a wide range of sectors, including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, real estate, retail, technology, and charitable organizations.

Paul received his MBA from the University of Toronto and holds a M.Sc. in Geological Science and Geological Engineering from Queen’s University. He began his career in the mining industry, where he focused on the exploration of scarce commodities, including gold, copper, and diamonds. Following the discovery of a significant mineral resource, Paul transitioned to the finance side of the industry after the company he worked for was acquired for approximately $400 million.

While on Bay Street, Paul worked in Equity Research, where he covered mining equities focused on a variety of commodities. He built financial models for the corporations under his coverage group and soon developed a passion and talent for it.

After returning to school to receive a formal business education, Paul interned with an industry-leading financial modeling training company and was hired upon graduation. Here he gained valuable experience building a wide range of financial models for corporations, as well as teaching financial modeling and advanced Excel courses at the country’s leading investment banks. During his tenure at the firm, he also played a key role in building up its financial modeling consulting practice from inception.

Following a successful career in the field of financial modeling, Paul left the corporate world to focus on his family; specifically, to spend quality time with his wife and newborn son. But he soon began receiving requests to review and build financial models, as well as provide ongoing maintenance to models he had previously built. In response to this demand, Paul decided to go all-in on the entrepreneurial lifestyle and founded Medici Financial Modeling in 2021.

Paul enjoys exploring new vineyards, hiking, and traveling. Family vacations tend to revolve around America’s National Parks, with the goal of one day having each page of his National Parks Passport stamped.